Friday, February 22, 2013

Great God - By Ricardo Sanchez


Great are Your ways
Great are Your works
Great are You, Lord, in all the earth
Great is Your pow'r
Great is Your strength
Great are You, Lord, and greatly to be praised!

Your greatness
Your famous Name
is exalted in all the earth!

Glory, glory, hallelujah
Glory to the God of Israel
Glory, glory, hallelujah
All the earth will see that You're a Great God!

We won't stop 'til the whole world knows
We won't stop 'til the whole world knows
We won't stop 'til the whole world knows
That You're a Great God, Great God
Woah, oh!

That You're a Great God, Great God
Woah, oh!

Ending Chorus

Glory, glory, hallelujah
Glory to the God of Israel
Glory, glory, hallelujah
And all the earth will see that You're a Great God!

Great God, Great God, Great God
Great God, Great God, Great God!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bethel Music- Walk in the Promise ft. Jeremy Riddle


Our souls wait in silence, in rest and in quiet for You, Spirit
In trust and dependence we walk in the promise of You, coming
With hope and healing in Your wings, with fire and with wind
You fall on us again

Our souls wait in silence, in rest and in quiet for You, Spirit
In trust and dependence we walk in the promise of You, coming
With hope and healing in Your wings, with fire and with wind
You fall on us again

Here we are waiting for this house to be shaken
For the boldness to carry Your name to the nations
Your signs and Your wonders to go now before us
For the weight of Your glory to rest as we lift You up
We lift You up, we lift You up, we lift You up

Woah woah woah... (We lift You up)

We lift You up
We lift You up, higher higher
We lift You up

Friday, February 08, 2013

Hillsong - The Lost Are Found ( New Released July 2011)


While Earthly ages fade
In mercy
Our God Your kingdom reigns

Lord over everything
You are near
All of the universe at Your feet

In the Savior
Injustice brought to right
For Your glory
That Your name be lifted high

Lord over everything
You are near
All of the universe at Your feet
Lord over everything
You are near
All of the universe at Your feet

The lost are found
The blind will see
The lame will walk
The dead will live
And You Are God
Forever You will reign
The lost are found
The blind will see
The lame will walk
The dead will live
And You Are God
Forever You will reign

Protection in Ministry – A Discussion

I have been serving the Lord Jesus ever since my childhood ever since Jesus came into my life as the Lord and savior.  I have been doing stuff like help and prayer support for Jesus’ kingdom.  A few years after it was discovered that I have a calling for literature ministry and I started writing for Jesus.  Then I realized that I have the teaching gift, gift of expounding the Word of God.  Then I realized the prophetic gift.  Over the years, my mom and other people have always encouraged me doing all these aspects of ministry.   Since last August 2012, God has taken me into newer levels in the ministry, into healing and deliverance ministry. Ever since, people of God started cautioning me including my mom.  Of late, miracles, healings, and deliverances are starting to frequent as I minister to people.  Elder women who are happy as well as kind of cautioning me, you have to protect yourself much while you do these; You have to command the devil not to follow you as you leave the people you have ministered to; You have to pray before you enter your house after having ministered to someone with a prayer of deliverance; Yesterday one sister known to me told me that we should visit a cancer patient and pray over her and while we were discussing about the date and time of visiting that cancer patient, she also added a point, before that we have to protect ourselves otherwise we will be attacked; One more elder sister was telling me, you need more training in this, so you have to attend the training conferences and camps and then you take up such tasks from the Lord, until then don’t do it; and one other sister was saying, you need backup prayers to support you as you fight with the satan and his demons face-to-face.  On one side cautions and on the other side the openings for such a ministry.  So, I was constantly pondering over these.  Then the Spirit of the Lord directed me towards the ministry Jesus did while He was on this planet earth.

Luke 7
20 When the men had come to Him, they said, “John the Baptist has sent us to You, saying, ‘Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?’” 21 And that very hour He cured many of infirmities, afflictions, and evil spirits; and to many blind He gave sight.
22 Jesus answered and said to them, “Go and tell John the things you have seen and heard: that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have the gospel preached to them. 23 And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me.”

Jesus’ ministry characterized casting out demons, outstanding miracles, healing, and preaching.  That is in short, He was doing both deliverance and teaching ministry, as well as prayer and intercession ministry.  The only thing Jesus did not do was worship ministry if I am not mistaken.  We didn’t see Jesus having problem with any of these ministry avenues and He was not counterattacked by the enemy in any way.  Though many times, Pharisees and other wicked people bad mouthed Him and though they tried to kill him before the appointed time, Jesus was not affected by any of it at all.  He did not suffer any sickness or physical ailment because of healing the people with grave disease.  He did not suffer any loss after healing a demon possessed.

Therefore, my thought is if Jesus was unaffected by any sickness, it is possible that a son or a daughter of Jesus who prays over a person with diseases or demon possession can be unaffected if he or she does not give herself to lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes or the pride of life just like Jesus.  But the question is, is it possible at all times?

In my little experience I have found that the more purity and sanctity we maintain in the Lord and the more we are intertwined with Jesus, everything went smooth and perfectly fine.  If there is even a slightest loophole in my daily walk with Jesus, I was kind of attacked. But again, all things work for good to them that love God and are called according to His purposes, God turns the attack of the enemy into blessings as I seek the Lord more intently.

Another thought is that, as we continue to walk with Jesus not worrying about what gift is being manifested only concentrating on the relationship, intimacy, obedience to Lord’s Word and Will, which include the intercession prayer and spiritual warfare prayer, protection part will be taken care of by the Lord.

I am yet to discover more in this aspect and I am really eager to learn from the Lord and from the experienced hands in the ministry.

Dear ministers and servants of God, please feel free to share your experiences and expertise if you are led by the Holy Spirit. I greatly appreciate your input.  Thanks in advance.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Nothing but the Blood of Jesus - Brooke Fraser (Hillsong United)


What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus

O Precious is the flow 
that makes me white as snow
No other fount I know
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Whiter than snow (Hymn)


1.  Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole
I want Thee forever to ransom my soul
Break down ev'ry idol, cast out ev'ry foe
Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow

Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow
Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow

2.  Lord Jesus, for this I most humbly entreat
I wait, blessed Lord, at Thy crucified feet
By faith, for my cleansing I see Thy blood flow
Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow

3.  Lord Jesus, Thou knowest I patiently wait
Come now and within me a new heart create
To those who have sought Thee, Thou never said "No"
Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow

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